All Spring Training games will have NFHS umpires. All NFHS rules apply. It is open to Varsity and Junior Varsity teams!All Spring Training games will have NFHS umpires. All NFHS rules apply. It is open to Varsity and Junior Varsity teams!
The director will provide balls
(no more than .47 core).
The international Tie Breaker will be used for all games that are tied at the end of seven (7) innings.
No infield practice or warm ups will be allowed on the infield before games.
The speed-up rule will be in effect. Runner for the catcher and pitcher at any time. Mandatory with two outs. Runner for the catcher and pitcher should be a player not in the game. If no players are available the runner shall be the player that made the last out.
To hold a slot for this tournament you must send in the Application along with a $500.00 non-refundable deposit, however, your entry will not be complete until the balance of the entry fee.
All entry requirements must be sent in two weeks prior to the scheduled dates. Applications may be emailed directly to Tournament Director by clicking on the submit buttons, or you may print out the completed application then mail in the check made payable to: